Summer Santa partners with amazing Medlin Middle School Mustangs to Help Kids
November 4, 2018
Summer Santa congratulates our supporter, Michael Gibson!
November 15, 2018

Summer Santa says a big thank you to Pizza Hut

Oh, dear Pizza Hut. Ye have the most charitable heart.

How can you have a middle school meeting run perfectly without the gift of pizza?

Because you, dear Pizza Hut, donated pizzas to Summer Santa and Medlin Middle School to feed nearly 100 students, we at Summer Santa are able to use that money instead to send some children to summer camps in 2019.

The meeting was important: kicking off preparations for the school’s coming “Winter Carnival.” Money raised goes to Summer Santa.

Read more about how much Summer Santa loves Medlin Middle — and now Pizza Hut, too.


SUMMER SANTA strives to enrich the well being of the children of Northeast Tarrant County experiencing life’s challenged with life-changing experiences.

We are all-volunteer with no office overhead or paid staff. What you donate to our IRS-approved charity goes directly to our children’s programs.

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