Trunk or Treat
November 1, 2019
Thank You, Waypoint Montessori
November 6, 2019

Home Runs for Summer Santa

Thank you Hogan for your support of Summer Santa. Hogan is an amazing young man. His desire to help those less fortunate than himself is the true art of philanthropy. Good luck!

This Holiday Season please help Hogan raise money for Summer Santa. Summer Santa strives to enrich the well-being of the children in Northeast Tarrant County experiencing life’s challenges with life changing experiences. November 15-17 Hogan will be competing against some of the Nation’s top baseball players in the 4th Annual National Power Showcase Home Run Derby in Phoenix, AZ at Chase Field, home of the Arizona Diamondbacks. During the Preliminary Round each player will hit as many home runs as possible until they get 15 outs (in the 12U Division a swing where the ball does not travel at least 225’ is considered an out). The two players with the most home runs in the Preliminary Round will advance to the Championship Round and compete against each other for the National Championship following the same 15 out rule as the Preliminary Round. Please consider pledging a certain dollar amount to Summer Santa for each home run Hogan hits in the Home Run Derby. You can text me, comment on this post or DM me if you are interested in pledging. Every donation helps. Thank you for your consideration.  #PowerShowcase #SummerSanta #SeeBallHitBall

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